<<<<< 2005年7〜12月のnews
something related to 'Sky High'
クリスがサントラで参加しているディズニー映画'Sky High'の公式サイトがオープンしました。
Carling Academy - July 23rd, Cancelled.
みなさんごめんなさい・・スティの7/23のCarling Academyでのパフォーマンスも残念ながらキャンセルになりました・・。今のところ変更されたスケジュールの情報はありませんが、続報が入り次第またお伝えします・・。
Sorry guys - this one is unfortunately cancelled too... no further news on rescheduling,
more as and when I get it..
from Ste McNally Promo Team
Messages for Ste!!
Ste Mcnally Onlineの
'interaction' ページに、スティへのメッセージを送信できる新しいフォームが作られました。
Happy BirthdayでもSay Helloでも何でもいいので、スティに伝えたいことがある人は是非コメントを送ってください!スティもそれを聞きたいと思ってるはずです*
Check out our 'interaction' page for our new form to submit messages to Ste
himself... If you've got something to say, Ste wants to hear it and all messages
will be passed on!
from Ste Mcnally Online
Date Cancelled
Please note that due to circumstances beyond Ste's control, the Zanzibar date
that was scheduled for the 17th June is now cancelled.
from Ste Mcnally Online
Ste News!!
6/17(金) Zanzibar@Liverpool 午後10:30頃登場予定 → cancelled....
7/23(土) Carling Academy@Liverpool 午後8:15(もしくは8:30)頃登場予定 → cancelled....
で飛べば、Ste Mcnally Onlineにつながります。
First off - Fans in the UK can see Ste performing in Liverpool over the next
few weeks as we have news of not ONE but TWO dates.. First off he'll be playing
at the Zanzibar Club on Friday June 17th, following up with Liverpool Carling
Academy on Saturday July 23rd. Hope to see some of you guys out in the audience
supporting him!!
Secondly, we have a new domain name for the site.. from now on you can find
us at the much easier to remember www.ste-mcnally.net - thanks to you all for
making our first month such a success, we look forward to your continued support..
and please,keep checking the site, as we hopefully bring you back some goodies
from the shows...
details of performing :
17th June - Zanzibar, Liverpool → cancelled....
43 Seel Street, Liverpool, L1
(Due onstage 10.30 pm)
23rd July - Carling Academy, Liverpool → cancelled....
Hotham Street, Liverpool L1
(Behind the Liverpool Empire and alongside Liverpool Lime Street station
onstage 8.15 altho possibly 8.30)
from Ste Mcnally Online
やあみんな元気?僕はアルバムをレコーディングしながらUSで6週間過ごして、UKに戻って来たばっかりなんだ。Jonnie Mostと一緒に仕事しながら2、3週間ニューヨークで過ごして、その後サンフランシスコに戻ってそこでまたJeff
そうだ、"Sky High"っていう映画用にTears for Fearsの曲"Everybody
Wants to Rule the World"のカバーをレコーディングしたんだ。それ(サントラ)は夏の終わりにリリースされると思う、でもこういう日程がいつもどれほど変更になるかはみんなもよく知ってるよね、だからチェックし続けててね。2、3週間で戻って来て、みんなにまたいろんな事を知らせるよ。
May 27 2005
Hey guys, hope you are well.... I have just got back to the uk after spending
six weeks in the states recording my record. Was in NYC for a couple weeks working
with Jonnie most and then i went back over to San Fran where i was in the studio
with Jeff Saltzman again. We recorded seven more songs and they all sound awsome!
Pretty much finished recording the record now, just a few little things to finish
here and there and need to get the whole thing mixed now. It's great to be back
home and I am just enjoying some time off with the family right now, making
the most of it because i know soon enough I will be very very busy again!!!!
Oh yeah, just recorded a version of the Tears for Fears track "Everybody
Wants to Rule the World" for a movie called "Sky High", think
its gonna be out late summer but you know how these dates always change, so
keep your eyes out for that. I will report back in a few weeks when i have some
more news for you.
So ta ta for now, speak soon.
from Hollywood Records - Christian Burns official website
スティのソロ曲 Time Is Running Outについて
みなさんが本当に'Time Is Running Out'を気に入ってくれて良かったです。これはスティのアルバムからのほんの味見程度です!ちなみに、この曲で素晴らしいバックボーカルをしているのはスティのいとこMichelle
Lawsonです。そしてデモはリヴァプール出身の同輩、Ronnie O'Keefeと一緒にそこでレコーディングされたものです。
Well... glad to hear you're all loving 'Time Is Running Out' - it's only a little
taster of what is to come from Ste's album! Incidentally, the fabulous backing
vocals on the track were provided by Ste's cousin Michelle Lawson, and the demo
was recorded in Liverpool with fellow scouser Ronnie O'Keefe.
from Ste Mcnally Online
from Hollywood Records CB MB
Ste's official fansite OPEN!!
スティの公認ファンサイト、Ste Mcnally Onlineが立ち上がりました!!
現在はまだ作業進行中でこれから頻繁に更新されていくそうで、近日中に’Let It All Out’のサウンドクリップもUP予定とのことです。
サイトのTOPページではスティのソロ曲’Time Is Running Out’をフルコーラス聴くことができます。(注:TOPで流れるソロ曲は定期的にローテーションされます)
また中にある 'BBMAK' のコーナーではBBの未発表曲「Endlessly」「Let The Outside In」「When Tomorrow Comes」をフルコーラスで聴けたり(曲は定期的にローテーションされるため、どの曲が置かれているかは行くタイミングによって変わります)、メンバー直筆のアンケートや秘蔵写真なども見ることができます。
また「About Ste」のコーナーにある16個のファンからの質問は、ここのnewsの2004年3月29日のところで訳していますので、参考にしてみてください。
また、リヴァプールのZanzibar Clubでスティがソロ・ライブデビューするそうですが、日付はまだ確定していないそうです。(いったん5/18と言われていましたが、変更になりました)決定次第ここでもお知らせします。
05/4/25 Website - published!
You can now visit at http://www.clix.to/stemcnally - please note however, it's
very much a work in progress and will be updating frequently...
Feel free to go forth and spread the word!
Gill :)
05/4/27 Live debut update
Ok... it's happening... May 18th (not 17th as previously rumoured) is the big
day and Zanzibar Club in Liverpool is the place to be - see ya there!!
(and for those that can't be there, hopefully I can bring a report, pics and
maybe even a video clip to the website shortly afterwards!)
05/4/29 Debut - change of date
Well, just when we thought it was safe to start planning our night out at the
Zanzibar, news reaches us that the date has been moved! It's still happening,
and it's happening soon, we're just waiting on confirmation of the new definite
date. I'll be passing it along as soon as I have it - sorry guys!
Gill :)
from Ste McNally Promo Team
Christian's official website OPEN!!
KillersやGreen Dayも手掛けてた)Jeff Saltzmanと一緒にサンフランシスコにあるスタジオにいたんだ。そして、2005年の秋にはリリースできるように5月末までにレコーディングは終わらせてしまいたいと思う。
March 30 2005
After enjoying success with the platinum selling band BBMak I took a year out
to consider the direction my music would take. I have been hard at work in the
studio for the past nine months mostly in Manchester England, New York and LA
working on my forthcoming debut solo record. I have most recently been in the
studio in San Francisco with Jeff Saltzman (The Killers/Green Day) cutting the
record and I hope to have it finished by the end of May 2005 for release Autumn
2005. I will be keeping you all up to date on what's going on by posting a journal
on this site instead of the updates I have been putting up on the forum. My
full website will be finished closer to the release of the record. Thank you
very much for all your ongoing support and watch this space for more news and
info on my solo project.
from Hollywood Records - Christian Burns official website
Hello - I know its been a while, but bringing you a round-up of Ste news so
everyone is completely up-to-date with what's happening with him at the moment.
The album is finished, everything is going according to plan and it is attracting
label attention - I'll be keeping you all posted as things start to progress,
however, rest assured it's all looking very promising! I've been priviledged
enough to hear a few finished tracks, and trust me, it's going to be worth the
long wait you've all had. Your patience and loyalty has been much appreciated
during the quiet spell.. and you're in for a real treat once Ste's material
goes public.
Word on the street is that he's busy at the moment rehearsing a live band -
and fingers crossed May will see him debut his new material with some low key
shows in the Liverpool area...
More news as and when it happens! I'm gonna be stepping up the action in the
forthcoming weeks.. and soon I'll be bringing you a website where you'll be
able to check out all the latest Ste news and pics...
Please note however this won't be his 'official' site - that will come at a
later date.. this site will merely be a fan-site to be used in the interim.
Take care all,
Gill :)
P.S. As always feel free to go forth and spread the word on your websites, messageboards
and groups etc.
from Ste McNally Promo Team
Hollywood Records MBへのクリスの書き込み
Saltzmanっていうすごいプロデューサーと一緒に仕事をしてるんだけど(彼は一番最近だとthe killersを手掛けてたよ)僕らは本当に素晴らしい化学反応をスタジオで起こしてたんだ。出来た曲は最高だと思うよ!!ギターとビッグドラムとシンセを使って、ロックでエレクトロニックに。ああそれにすごくキャッチーなビート!!まだレコードにタイトルはないんだ、それが決まったら改めてみんなに連絡するよ。僕は今いくつかの曲を仕上げるためにUKにいるんだ、そしてCDの最後のレコーディングセッションのためにサンフランシスコに行くよ。5月1日くらいまでにはレコーディングを終わらせてしまいたいな。
hey it's me christian.
well hello all, wow it has been a long time! er, sorry for the long gap in messages....
i have been in a writing/recording zone for a while now and at last i can report
that my record is almost finished!!! it's going great. i have been spending
alot of time writing in new york and a lot of time recording in san fran. i
just have to record about another 5 tracks now and then i will be done as i
have allready recorded 8! i hope to get back out on the road mid summer time
and i am very very excited about that.... i have been working with a great producer
called jeff saltzman over in san fransisco (he produced the killers most recently)
we really had great chemistry in the studio and the stuff is sounding awsome!!
its got guitars big drums and synths, rock/electronic. oh, and lots of catchy
bits!!! dont have a title for the record yet, so i will have to get back to
you on that one.... i am in the uk finishing some tunes off at the moment and
then i will be off to san fran for the last recording session for the record.
hope to have it finished by may 1st (ish).
had a great meeting over at the record company the other week, should have my
website up and running in the next couple of weeks, i will let you know. anyway,
off to bed now..... i have a hangover.
sorry i have not posted for a while.
christian x
Posted by : burnsy58 (2:46 PM, Mar 6, 2005)
some info...
'Let-it-out.org'(=旧UK Promo Team Site)が復活することはまずありません−新しいサイトが取り掛かられています。そのサイトはスティのソロ活動についてだけに専念したものになるでしょう−けれどそこはダウンロードできる2、3曲の未発表曲がある、BBMakに捧げられたページとなることでしょう。
Just to clarify - I'm no longer carrying info for Christian OR Mark.. any info
on these guys will either have to come from themselves or a record company source.
It's highly unlikely 'Let-it-out.org' will be back - a new site is being worked
on which will concentrate on Ste's solo career only - although there will be
a dedicated page on BBMak with a couple of unreleased tracks on there to download.
Info on Ste is forthcoming as things are moving well for him.. The new PO Box
address will again be for Ste only and that will launch alongside his solo career.
Any info on Ste will come via the new site and his promo group - however, please
feel free to relay on any other websites and noticeboards!
Meantime any questions can be sent to me at: bbmakgirl_uk@yahoo.com
Posted: Feb 20, 2005 - 2:33 PM
from Hollywood Records CB MB
2004年のnews >>>>>